January 20, 2015

Quote of the Day

"There are basically four questions that are raised in life. The question of origin, meaning, morality and destiny. When you look at those particular questions, and try to answer them in terms of the laws of logic. You can basically look at it from three points of view; logical consistency, empirical adequacy, and experiential relevance."

Worldviews bring these three tests with it. Based on study of who Christ claims to be and all of what he said, when he answers these four questions of life of origin, meaning, morality, and destiny. "The logical consistency of his answers, the empirical adequacy by which we measure the answers, and the experiential relevance has convinced me that He is indeed the way, the truth, and the life.

It is not a leap in a vacuum, as it were, but a commitment born out of study." ~Ravi Zacharia


  1. L. Ron Hubbard answered those questions as well, so . . .

  2. http://watchmansbagpipes.blogspot.com/2012/12/ravi-zacharias.html?m=1

  3. Ravi Zacharias: Support My Hope America with Bill…: http://youtu.be/zs8TZ4b2_EU

  4. Billy Graham Denies Christ - Promotes Universalism: http://youtu.be/lCgpUPHkgc8

  5. I Corinthians 2:13

    These things we also speak, not in words which man’s wisdom teaches but which the Holy Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual.

  6. Hey Dan. How's the family? Best wishes to Patty and the rest of you.

  7. Dan, can you give us a heads up on how you're all doing?


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