It seems a group of people in Philadelphia with the religion of 'secular humanism' is promoting there hatred towards God by buying a huge billboard with the price tag of $22,500. On the billboard is a beautiful sky with the question "Don't believe in God? You are not alone."
This fits right into my hypothesis that most atheists seek validation from like minded individuals, for their beliefs, instead of seeking truth.
To the atheist: Look I fully understand that truth always is confrontational, there is always someone on the wrong side of truth. This is a very serious and real subject for us all. If I didn't love you enough to tell you the truth, then I wouldn't. If I truly love you, as I do, then I can only keep pressing you to the point of understanding. It takes far more love to confront then to ignore the situation, perfect love is a constant confronter.
I would rather like to receive a slight nod from God then to seek the applause of the entire world. Atheists, on the other hand, seek the validating applause of like minded individuals as seen on this new attack on God.
They are NOT seeking TRUTH they are seeking VALIDATION. There is a huge difference.