What may be spewing into the Gulf currently is called Abiotic Oil
This information on the heals of finding out that BP is in bed with Russia, who is now the top oil producer. (Commodity Online)
Wasn't it a Russian Professor that wanted to split the US up anyway? I digress.
The claim that Oil is a 'fossil fuel' may not be the case at all. The postulation that oil is actually rotting dinosaurs (reason for lost transitional fossils? How convenient!) and plant matter, magically transforming over millions/billions of years into oil is erroneous.
In chemistry, organic means chemical compounds with carbon in them. In a more general sense, organic refers to living things. Just because a certain material is referred to as organic does not mean it is or ever was alive.
![]() |
t.me/EARTH20GENESIS/4868 |
Supporting Evidence for Abiotic Oil, briefly, is that Oil being discovered at 30,000 feet, far below the 18,000 feet, where organic matter is no longer found. Wells pumped dry are later replenished. Gives a whole new meaning to "Gulf Oil" now. Plus, this research apparently shows that it does not take an excessively long time, millions of years, to produce oil. More evidence of a young earth? Also, the volume of oil pumped thus far not accountable from organic material alone according to present models.
"Scientists in the US have witnessed the production of methane under the conditions that exist in the Earth's upper mantle for the first time. The experiments demonstrate that hydrocarbons could be formed inside the Earth via simple inorganic reactions -- and not just from the decomposition of living organisms as conventionally assumed -- and might therefore be more plentiful than previously thought." (Physics World)
NASA is noticing this might be the case on Titus also. According to SpaceRef.com "The origin of methane in Titan's atmosphere is a mystery because it gets broken down by sunlight and particle radiation from space in the upper atmosphere. If surface lakes and pools were the only source, all of Titan's methane would be lost by this mechanism in less than a hundred million years, a short time for a moon that's been around since the formation of the solar system 4.5 billion years ago."

Now the myth of peak oil and energy crisis is upon us, I am sure there are those that believe it as the gospel truth, but like the evolution paradigm, I just don't buy it.
Well, we can thank BP for helping us get multicolored rain, you know, for the children.
Technology and science, though they are cumulative and have improved, in many ways, the lives of people within the industrialized nations, have also unleashed the most horrific forms of violence and death, and let's not forget, environmental degradation, in human history. (Hedges)
If we reexamine this paradigm that everything must be a slow process, that takes millions/billions of years, maybe we would get more accurate results from the data. Oh secularists, when will you ever learn? Darwin is not god. God is.
UPDATE: Coincidence or Judgment? Spill is Obama's fault.
Update Deux:
Interesting, is there a reason my comment was removed? Was here for a good few hours.
ReplyDeleteI re posted it to make corrections, to be more accurate, and to end the confusion between conversations. Apparently that did not work.
ReplyDeleteWell, I cant be bothered rewriting it again. Frankly. Suffice to say, being incredulous for dogma doesn't trump science.
ReplyDeleteThere is no Geologists/ petroleum engineers that think oil was made from rotting dinosaurs. Not one. That is a lie you are repeating.
Parafinic oil like that found in certain places in the world, like Pennsylvania are made up of the decomposed bodies of very small shelled creatures. When you brng up a core sample of the sand that makes up the oil producing strata, you can see this with your naked eye.
That type of oil has a green timt to it and is relatively rare. 1800feet beneath me from where I am writing this there are several layers of ancient sea shores where these creatures piled up over millions of years and were then over turned and up ended by geologic proceesses over many more milennia.
Texas crude and asian crude are, in fact made up of layers of ancient peat bogs/ chlorophil based oil.
You have no understanding of the time scale and geologic processes that have worked on the earth in the past.
The statement that there is no chemical process to turn peat into coal and oil is an outright lie and a fraud.
This whole article is a pile of steaming putrid shit.
The continents as we see them today are completely overturned and upset by geologic forces from what they were in the past.
ReplyDelete>>There is no Geologists/ petroleum engineers that think oil was made from rotting dinosaurs. Not one. That is a lie you are repeating.
First show me where I said "Geologists/ Petroleum Engineers think oil was made from rotting dinosaurs." Otherwise you can take that Red Herring and have it for you dinner tonight. These goal posts don't move.
I am sure you are not postulating that the term "Fossil Fuel" is never described in our school texts, and online, as prehistoric plants and animals.
Paraffin oil, or kerosene, is produced through a process of fractional distillation, its not found naturally. Its an "outright lie and a fraud" to say its "found". Care to retract?
>>The statement that there is no chemical process to turn peat into coal and oil is an outright lie and a fraud.
Again, please show where this was said in the post, otherwise it is you who is the "outright lair and a fraud."
I am sure, like I said, you believe in the myth of peak oil and energy crisis, I am sure there are those that believe it as the gospel truth (Like Froggie), but like the evolution paradigm, I just don't buy it.
"Paraffin oil, or kerosene, is produced through a process of fractional distillation, its not found naturally. Its an "outright lie and a fraud" to say its "found". Care to retract?"
YOU added the word kerosene. Kerosene is distilled from both parafin based crude and plant based crude.
You wanna knoe how i know?
I hold a degree in mech eng with a minor in petroleum engineering- worked refineries and oil fields for 17 years.
You don't know what the hell you're talking about.
ReplyDelete>>I hold a degree in mech eng with a minor in petroleum engineering- worked refineries and oil fields for 17 years.
Thanks Dale for educating us on your education. It is good to know, and put a face on, the likes of who is responsible for the BP Gulf deep water drilling. I am sure your field will be quite lucrative in the near future.
Many people want to congratulate and honor the engineers, like yourself, for helping us get multicolored rain, you know, for the children. I am sure many here would want to somehow thank you for all your work in the field. So, for public admiration and convenience, I will provide your home address so they can...send you something.
Dale resides at,
10200 Bellaire Blvd.
Houston, TX 77072
Send him something that shows your appreciation.
Dan does his "douche for Jesus" impression once more...
ReplyDeleteHypocrite - your post is all about how the theory of oil becoming scarce is a myth, but when someone shows they have the credentials to back up their claims on oil you pick out what they did as a job and accuse them of fucking up the environment for everyone else, when the sole reason wells like the Deepwater Horizon are being drilled is due to the scarcity of oil reserves.
My, how un-Christian. Accuse Froggie of something you know he isn't responsible for, and then explicitly encourage your readers to abuse and even stalk him.
The only good thing? You have exposed yourself as a grade-a scumbag.
"Thanks Dale for educating us on your education. It is good to know, and put a face on, the likes of who is responsible for the BP Gulf deep water drilling. I am sure your field will be quite lucrative in the near future.
Whoa, you're a douche.
Ok, I'm writing this on the assumption that it's actually Dan and not someone else who did some hacking into Dan's account and is trying to make Dan look bad by posting an address (real or not) there.
ReplyDeleteI only theorized that because this seem unusual for Dan.
Hell, it'd seem unusual for even Ray Comfort.
If Dan did not post froggie's real address (ie. he just made up one and put it out there to see our reactions) then Dan, feel free to disregard this.
If, on the other hand, Dan, it was you who posted froggie's real address, then:
What the christ fucking hell is wrong with you? Do you have any idea how unethical and dangerous it is to post someone's address on the net without their permission?
Do you realize by what you've said: So, for public admiration and convenience, I will provide your home address so they can...send you something.
Do you realize that you've opened yourself up to a hell of a lawsuit for this?
How be it if we were to bother to find our where you and your family lived, and then put that
on the web?
I can't christ fucking believe this!
Now, to the fact claim that Dan is dancing around here:
ReplyDeleteDan said:
The claim that Oil is a 'fossil fuel' may not be the case at all. The postulation that oil is actually rotting dinosaurs (reason for lost transitional fossils? How convenient!) and plant matter, magically transforming over millions/billions of years into oil is erroneous.
Froggie said:
There is no Geologists/ petroleum engineers that think oil was made from rotting dinosaurs. Not one. That is a lie you are repeating.
Dan dodged by saying:
First show me where I said "Geologists/ Petroleum Engineers think oil was made from rotting dinosaurs." Otherwise you can take that Red Herring and have it for you dinner tonight. These goal posts don't move.
Dan, the man's point was: The people who would know anything about how oil formed would be the "geologists and petroleum engineers".
Unlike you, we don't get our oil formation information from some idiot on the street, we go to the experts.
If it was never your intent to say that geologists and petrol engineers believe that oil came from "rotting dinosaurs", then why don't you tell us just who holds that "postulate"?
It sure as hell isn't someone who's knowledgeable in the field now, is it?
And if you got that from non-experts Dan, than that just means you've made a strawman.
Thanks for the support guys.
ReplyDeleteFor the record, Dan knows I live in PA, yeah right on top of the Pennsylvania Crude oil fields.
Dan acts like this when he knows he's been busted, showing that he is quite unstable, emotionally.
I also have found that most fundamentalists think that oil is contained in large pools down in the earth. Nothing is further from the truth.
Oil is contained in geologic strata such as sand and shale, the remnants of the material on which the plant or animal matter collected upon. These layers have a certain porosity that allows the oil to flow through them to the well hole.
After the oil quits flowing, we "frac" the well to make cracks in the strata so the oil can flow once again (called secondary recovery.)
Dan's response was merely the predictable hissy fit of someone who has been exposed to be totally ignorant about that of which they speak to try to divert attention from his ignorance.
Did you all hear that it was Obama's fault for the spill.
I had no idea that atheists, not only cannot take a snarky joke, but are very slow also.
ReplyDeleteDid you even bother to look up the address I provided?
It was Halliburton Thanks for the vote of confidence though. *sigh
Did you even bother to look up the address I provided?
ReplyDeleteTheres only one reason anyone WOULD - if they wanted to take your apparent advice to harass Froggie.
Not visited this blog in a while... Hi Dan.
ReplyDeleteQuick note: Oil rarely evaporates, and it doesn't mix with water. Ergo, oil rain is somewhat unlikely. Current concensus from a skeptical viewpoint is that the YouTube video referenced is probably just dirty roads. I've seen roads with that same sheen down here...
"According to a statement issued to Jalopnik from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, "EPA has no data, information or scientific basis that suggests that oil mixed with dispersant could possibly evaporate from the Gulf into the water cycle."
Quicker Note: Oil is a fossil fuel, and on earth it is created by organic material in concentrations only found in living matter being crushed under great pressue. I mean, seriously, at least most creationist arguments have some basis in reality, but this one is just
Quickest Note: Obama causes oil spills? So does that mean pretty girls cause earthquakes and gays cause hurricanes, too?
I do hope that was one of your "jokes".
ReplyDeleteI had no idea that atheists, not only cannot take a snarky joke, but are very slow also.
Did you even bother to look up the address I provided?
Dan, did you even bother to read what I said?
If Dan did not post froggie's real address (ie. he just made up one and put it out there to see our reactions) then Dan, feel free to disregard this.
Still, it's nice to see that you're consistent in insulting atheists, like any other evangelical.
As Oranges said, the only real reason someone would check up on that address is if they were going to go after froggie.
ReplyDelete>>Still, it's nice to see that you're consistent in insulting atheists, like any other evangelical.
In your world, of serious and clinical, is there room for playful banter? Has your humor "evolved" yet? Is the atheists humor retarded in some way because of their beliefs? (Tehehe, I said atheists and retarded in the same sentence) Actually, from what I observe, the experts at snarky humor is the Atheists. You want to read something funny, this atheist holds the crown of snarky.
Thanks for looking out for my best interest though. Sarcasm is another form of humor, just in case you didn't know. Sarcasm though, and possibly all humor, is a form of deflection. I will grant you that snarky humor is not the kindest humor, like pranks or mockery, so I will keep it in check and evaluate and regulate as to how far is far enough. Jesus was mocked (Matthew 9:24) are you sympathetic to His plight?
Now, if you truly are looking out for my best interest, and my salvation, I am humbled. That is a kindness that I am just not used to. Forgive me, and I will look for that more.
Maybe, I take my humor ques from Jesus. Jesus used all forms of humor like exaggeration, satire, sarcasm, irony. In the Bible when it says "filled with joy" is that really a poker face in seriousness? Maybe that is what is missing in your life, a little joy, a little Bible.
BTW, how does your worldview account for humor? Why are their limits of humor within your worldview? Why are their boundaries, to cross, within your worldview? If humor evolved then why are you resistant to snarky? Why are you not like those hippies that "go with the flow, man". Let humor evolve, why resist evolution?
Pointless, time-wasting, drivel-filled blogging 101
ReplyDelete1) Write a blog post
2) Get exposed in the comment section as being completely ignorant of the subject matter
3) Deflect attention of your ignorance by posting an inflammatory comment (other tactics include linking to an old post, or saying "right, this gets a new post" in order to shift the goalposts)
4) Give sufficient time for the inevitable angry reactions to flood in
5) Eventually reveal the prank as 'playful banter' and then shift the focus to the fact that the serious atheists can't take a joke
6) Smirk as everyone forgets that you were exposed as being completely ignorant of the subject matter
8) Shift the goalposts, nay, shift the entire stadium, and start talking about a completely irrelevant subject, say....the evolution of humour
7) Wash, rinse, repeat
Marvin, Dan.................A+
9) complaints from Rhiggs that Dan is not playing right in his own yard...Priceless.
ReplyDelete10) complaining about errors while making, counting, errors hilarious.
11)Rhiggs goes back to Dan's yard, over and over, to discuss things further...Uber Hilarious.
ReplyDeleteI perfectly understand that you feel inferior to the big dogs. You can always get off the porch.
(link fixed)
ReplyDeleteIn your world, of serious and clinical, is there room for playful banter? Has your humor "evolved" yet?
How is calling a person a "pedophile" funny?
Maybe, I take my humor cues from Jesus. Jesus used all forms of humor like exaggeration, satire, sarcasm, irony.
Any indication that he got any laughs? Not from what I read. Jesus used literary devices, not actual humour. For instance, I don't think he called anyone the ancient ME version of a pedophile.
So he either used literary devices, or the man was a shit comedian in his own culture.
In the Bible when it says "filled with joy" is that really a poker face in seriousness? Maybe that is what is missing in your life, a little joy, a little Bible.
As you admit earlier: Actually, from what I observe, the experts at snarky humor is the Atheists. the bible is not necessary for humour.
I prefer to get my humour from actual sources of comedy: George Carlin, Lewis Black, etc. Carlin certainly didn't base his humour from the bible, though he did find a lot of unintentional humour about it.
Jesus was mocked (Matthew 9:24) are you sympathetic to His plight?
No, because I've never said anything so damned stupid.
BTW, how does your worldview account for humor? Why are their limits of humor within your worldview? Why are their boundaries, to cross, within your worldview? If humor evolved then why are you resistant to snarky? Why are you not like those hippies that "go with the flow, man". Let humor evolve, why resist evolution?
Try looking things up on your own.
As a side note, it's odd how there's only a few verses in the bible that endorse humour, so you jump all over it claiming that humour is biblically based (by asking where humour comes from in "my world view"...we all know what yours is!), yet I know your bible definately endorses slavery, but you'd likely claim that it doesn't.
"9) complaints from Rhiggs that Dan is not playing right in his own yard...Priceless."
ReplyDeleteNot really. Do what you want on your own blog. I'm just pointing out the absurdity of it. You have clearly become a sensationalist. Write a ridiculous post, wait for the reactions, then make inflammatory comments to rouse people. You're like a cheap tabloid journalist.
"10) complaining about errors while making, counting, errors hilarious."
Good one with the counting error, didn't even notice that... but I don't think I was complaining about an error as such, just that you deflect attention by quickly changing subject when you have been exposed as completely ignorant.
"11)Rhiggs goes back to Dan's yard, over and over, to discuss things further...Uber Hilarious."
As I mentioned before, I come here for light entertainment by watching you make an ass of yourself over and over. Any decent discussion is a bonus and it rarely comes from you. You spout nonsense, as evidenced here. In this case, Froggie corrected you and instead of responding you post an inflammatory comment and retrospectively claim 'playful banter'. Is that what you call an honest discussion?
"I perfectly understand that you feel inferior to the big dogs. You can always get off the porch. "
Ah yes, more playful banter. It's easier than addressing the criticisms. I understand.
Also Dan,
ReplyDelete"10) complaining about errors while making, counting, errors hilarious"
If you want to be that pedantic then try not, to, make, punctuation, errors...
Hilarious :D
Oh, and it's worse than Dan having no idea where oil comes from - he's also taking a secondary explanation for a minor amount of what is normally a petroleum byproduct and inflating it all out of proportion.
ReplyDeleteAbiotic oil was first hypothesized in the 16th century. It was a popular theory in Russia in the last half of the 20th century. So you're running with a theory popular with those atheist Commies. For shame!
Abiotic methane and hydrocarbon gases have been found, but not in commercially usable quantities (about 0.02% of extracted hydrocarbon gases is abiotic). But the biggest problem would probably be that no evidence of actual abiotic petroleum has ever been found. Just a couple of gases.
So, you know, another myth.
This blog is hilarious! Dan is one of the funniest people I've ever got the pleasure to laugh at. Everyone else has great posts, and points though. I'm sure I will be back, to hear more "playful Banter" LMAO!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteRe: Multi-Coloured Rain. (not rainbows)
ReplyDeleteFrom Chemtrails to Pseudo-Life: The Dark Agenda of Synthetic Biology (FULL LENGTH VIDEO)
I was interested to read this blog and discover the facts supporting the proposition we were taught in government schooling about fosil fuels.
I heard this from an alternate source, of which they say the same thing, essentially, that we've been lied to about the formation of oil.
In view of the data from the oil-man, opposing this premise as false (not based in reality) I need to search for more data, I'm not interested in who's right but WHAT is right.
I must say my antena perked up on this story, to want to search for more data. I feel there's merit to the idea we've been misled about the oil, and what earth herself uses it for, or she would not produce it. She doesn't make it so we can distill it to drive engines.
On a side note, you can see how erroneous arguments and insults are? Did we discover new knowledge? Not yet....do you think this blog has the ability to discover the truth of the matter, let the facts speak for themselves without slant from personal bias?
Definately would like to see something constructive develop.
I wonder if we can move to Mars and just leave the idiots to destroy the Earth as they wish...
ReplyDeleteI wonder if we can move to Mars and just leave the idiots to destroy the Earth as they wish...