October 31, 2009

It's a(nother) Boy!!

He is 11lbs 23 1/2 inches. Born naturally, no pain killers, no Epidural, and no Pitocin. Born on October 31st, 2009 at 12:17 pm. We are very happy and proud of Mommy!

A baby being born on Halloween....what a wonderful way to lighten such a dark day!!!

Update 11/04/2009


  1. Congratulations to Patty, who after all had the hard job here.

    And since it's you Christians (historically speaking) who co-opted the traditional Celtic harvest fest of Samhain for your All Hallow's Eve, you can't really blame anyone else if it's a dark day. Of course, in the Northern Hemisphere the end of October is often dark- it's an even older tradition...

  2. Zilch, as you well know, if you have to deal with a hormonal woman carrying around an 11 pound bowling ball that you caused, then it is arguable as to who has the 'hard job'. Maybe that is what the Bible speaks of by long suffering.


    I will welcome the "holy evening" of birth. At the very least the baby was not born on Devil's Night, (Hell Night), October 30th.

    We feel blessed.

  3. Gee, "Death Beth"...another xian "bait-and-switch" operation. One would think that if one is going to preach at someone, one would be upfront about it. Nope. Have to make it look like something else first.

    Typical. I believe Ray Comfort is behind that, yes?

    (Hey, if he can do it, so can I)!

    Say, why are you guys so paranoid about halloween anyway? (note that the original CBN article was taken down...even they must have thought it was too stupid to keep up there. Fortunately, these guys have kept their article up.

  4. >>I believe Ray Comfort is behind that, yes?


    The main reason why we do not celebrate is because it frightens my kids too much. We used to give out gospel tracts, or death Beth cards, with the candy but my daughter didn't like being scared so we just have babies now.

    At least I was able to meet and witness to all the gang members in our neighborhood for a couple of years. They know me, and avoid me, now. Amazing what the power of the Word of God can do for someone.

  5. Dan:

    At least I was able to meet and witness to all the gang members in our neighborhood for a couple of years. They know me, and avoid me, now. Amazing what the power of the Word of God can do for someone.
    How many of those guys got converted? Otherwise it sounds to me like you just annoyed them and they went away.

  6. They know me, and avoid me, now. Amazing what the power of the Word of God can do for someone.

    And you are actually proud of that? lol! It made my day, thanks Dan.


  7. Such a nice baby! Congratulations!
    God bless all your family!

  8. Thanks Imbro,

    Blessings to you and your family also.

  9. "We used to give out gospel tracts, or death Beth cards [on Halloween]."

    Man, you suck.

    Anyway, congratulations on another healthy baby. I hope you treat this one well.

  10. Mazel tov!
    What a beauty and a blessing!



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