Alex said, >>Dan, evidence that these cartels are stealing food from recognised charities, or STFU.

More news about the internal government's people stealing, ". According to reports, Kenya police continue to burn homes, steal food and confiscate mobile phones to restrict communication throughout the region..."
Yet they claim it was from 'others': "Meanwhile, Kenyan police have arrested 24 local traders for allegedly stealing and selling food aid intended for the drought victims in Garissa town, about 300 kilometers (185 miles) northeast of Nairobi, government spokesman Alfred Mutua said. In addition, they recovered 500 bags of beans intended for drought relief that had been repackaged to be sold. "The government will ensure that no food meant for hungry people is diverted," Mutua said. "This is an isolated case and the government reacted immediately because it takes the issue of providing food to the hungry seriously," he said, adding that police were moving to dismantle a cartel suspected of stealing food aid."
Your binders are noted though. Its common KNOWLEDGE that its being done. "Tens of thousands of desperately hungry Somalis displaced from the drought-stricken south are not receiving the food aid meant for them. Gunmen have set up unathourised refugee camps in Mogadishu just to steal the food delivered by humanitarian agencies. It is believed the food is being sold on the local markets."
The point is that the aid is NOTtting to the kids. These thugs are stealing everything and leaving the kids to starve.
Then, evil men take picture of these kids and softly plead with you on late night TV, to "Feed these poor kids" [without telling you the news about the cartels], and take your money to give the CEO's millions in salary and even more in bonuses for their success in taking your money for their successful AD Campaign.
THIS is what the Bible calls your so called 'charity' "filthy rags" Isaiah 64:6
Before, in the conversation, I commented something to the effect that the Atheists has nothing to offer a suffering child.
I said, For a dying child, of cancer lets say, that is all you have to offer. “Tough luck? Too bad? That’s the way it goes?" That’s all that’s left for you.
Alex then asked, >>Also, why did your god give that child cancer in the first place?
You have Adam to thank for that. It was mankind's corruption, and desire to eliminate God from their lives, that got us in this mess in the first place. Creation fell when Adam fell, therefore sin, so to speak, killed creation. As a result, we live in an imperfect world, with the effects of sin running through it. We see that the universe is running down. That is, everything is moving toward chaos, becoming less organized.
Furthermore, because sin is in the world, mankind is unable to live in harmony. Nations rise against nations, and peoples against peoples. War and conflict occur with the loss of life, and with injuries to those who survive. Devastation is left in its wake. Are you ready?
Blame your denial of God for all of this. Why does that little child have cancer, or is starving? Look in the mirror.
"Ask the poor. They will tell you who the Christians are." ~Mahatma Gandhi
I've blogged today about how vile some online god botherers are, and you've just illustrated the point perfectly with this post.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, the point is the MOST aid IS getting to where it needs to be.
ReplyDeleteAnd I have to say "Blame your denial of God for all of this. Why does that little child have cancer? Look in the mirror." <- that marks you as a prime cunt.
>>Anyway, the point is the MOST aid IS getting to where it needs to be.
ReplyDeleteAnd you KNOW this, rationalization, with certainty how?
Dan, you've forfeited your right to receive replies. You may think that you're 'funny' but you're nothing but a ridiculous prick.
ReplyDeleteThat should read 'polite replies', cunt.
ReplyDeleteThat is OK since it was an obvious rhetorical question we ALL know the answer to.
ReplyDeleteI guess its only fair to link to Jim's post to point to the conversation entirely in context.
ReplyDeleteI was quite harsh with saying early on, "You see, we formed a nation that we hold “truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights” Its the reason why we fought your oppressive king. Its why our Churches have ministries in those countries to aid [the kids] at great expense. Christians are being persecuted and killed for their beliefs, yet they still go over there, unafraid.
So keep sending your demon cash to the cartels to fund getting weapons to attack their own people. I am sure your few dollars, you personally donate, will fund a good sized machete to take down a Christian. Celebrate mankind, as you do with your atheistic religion. Secular Humanism, yahoo!"
So, the name calling is an understandable spleen venting from an Angry Atheist like you Alex.
Look, I fully understand that truth always is confrontational. There is always someone on the wrong side of truth. This is a very serious and real subject for you and I. If I didn't love you enough to tell you the truth, then I wouldn't. Truth hurts, I understand.
People like you don't deserve the freedoms they have. It's a shame there isn't a hell for you to go to.
ReplyDeleteBlame your denial of God for all of this. Why does that little child have cancer? Look in the mirror.
From the rest of your article, it would appear we should look instead to Adam. And whoever it was who set up the loaded game Adam played, in which one act of disobedience would produce a massive level of terrible consequence.
Uh, wait...Dan:
ReplyDeleteI was quite harsh with saying early on, "You see, we formed a nation that we hold “truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights” Its the reason why we fought your oppressive king.
That's why the States can NOT call itself a christian nation, Dan...they broke biblical rules when they rebelled against the king.
Remember that "no taxation without representation" thing?
The bible says otherwise:
Mark 12:17 (when he asked them whose picture was on the coins)
And Jesus answering said unto them: Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's. And they marvelled at him.
Romans 13:7
Give everyone what you owe him: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.
1 Timothy 6:1-2
Christians who are slaves should give their masters full respect so that the name of God and his teaching will not be shamed. If your master is a Christian, that is no excuse for being disrespectful. You should work all the harder because you are helping another believer by your efforts. Teach these truths, Timothy, and encourage everyone to obey them.
A more specific verse:
Ecclesiastes 10:20
Curse not the king, no not in thy thought; and curse not the rich in thy bedchamber: for a bird of the air shall carry the voice, and that which hath wings shall tell the matter.
By the way, Dan....that stuff you quoted is from the Declaration of Independence. That not what the laws of the States are based on. That's the Constitution. That document has no mention of any "creator". In fact, the Declaration itself only makes reference to "nature's god" not biblegod.
Perhaps sensible since that document spits in the face of the xian god more than once, as seen above.
About charities: Just check carefully which ones you give to.
Remember that "no taxation without representation" thing?
Yes, it is lawful to do what God says and to disobey what the state says if its against God.
For example, the Bible says to obey your Father directly in the Commandments but if your Dad tells you to lie, or worse, then you are to deny thy Daddy and Honor thy Father. There is such a thing as absolute authority. (
>>That not what the laws of the States are based on.
Well, references to "God" of the Bible in ALL 50 State Constitutions are a reality, so it makes your argument, and your point, irrelevant.
So, D.A.N., are you going to address points here, or just do a drive-by Ron Pauling on my LJ? ;)
ReplyDeleteAnd the Constitution is the supreme law of the land, rather than the state Constitutions.
So please do not try the old "Christian Nation" canard -- it's tired out.
ReplyDeleteTrying to pick a point out of this. Apparently
Dan is proposing that because gunmen steal food aid we shouldn't donate to charities? Where do atheists come into this? The gunmen probably aren't atheists. The charities aren't atheist - they may be non-religious but that's not the same thing, and it's entirely likely that many of the folks who work with or donate to UN charities are Christian or other religions.
And none of the links provided by Dan relate to evil CEO's advertising and pocketing funds, etc. (Other than one paragraph in an opinion piece by someone with weak English skills.) If Dan has some actual evidence here, that would help the discussion.
Dan...State Constitutions are NOT the Federal Constitution
ReplyDeleteAlso, when did King George ever order the States to do something that was against biblical commands? It was taxes that they were pissed about...and we know how jesus felt about that.
Dan has proved himself to be the lowest of the low, even worse than his hero Sye. Let's all count ourselves lucky that his nasty little death obsessed cult is going to gone within a couple of hundred years.
ReplyDeleteD.A.N. said...
ReplyDeleteYou have Adam to thank for that.
No Dan we don't. According to you your God is both omniscient and purposeful. He knew beforehand that a talking snake would convince Eve to convince Adam to eat the fruit and yet He went ahead and created everything anyway. He wanted this to happen and when it did He condemned every living thing to life in a fallen creation most likely followed by an eternity of torment.
Apparently you think this somehow brings Him glory when in reality, if it were at all true, it would simply make Him a monstrous douche.
God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called.
ReplyDeleteAtheists want to serve God, but only as advisors.
Huh? How's about addressing what we've said?
ReplyDeleteHow about apologising for being a total prick, Dan?
ReplyDeleteHow about apologising for being a total prick, Dan?
ReplyDeleteWhen I saw you start posting here, Alex, my first thought was something like "I wonder how long he's going to last..."
You lasted longer than I thought :)
Dan knows Dan's not interested in honest conversation. Having spent year hosting a blog for atheists who debunk him, he turned into a bitter, dishonest fundamentalist. Would you believe that he actually used to be an interesting person to talk to?
"Would you believe that he actually used to be an interesting person to talk to?"
ReplyDeleteAs he is at the moment? I'd find it impossible to believe, but I take your word for it that he was! Personally I feel he's been spending too much time with Circular Sye, and has learned all of his 'tricks'
Pegged it...before Sye came along, Dan was someone you could talk to.
ReplyDeleteAll you've done here, D.A.N., is solidify the distaste people have for you. Intellectualism has left and with it the potential to get your point across in a civil way. Any point you make from here on out, whether it be reasonable or not, will be met with conflict and disdain, first and foremost because your character is gag-inducing.
ReplyDeleteThis blog's purpose is to contribute to the polarization of people of different worldviews. You've done that, I think you can see. This is not your god's work.
Nevertheless, cja411. How do you know that your reasoning about this or ANYTHING is valid?
ReplyDeleteBroken record is broken.
ReplyDeleteAnd Dan demonstrates exactly what we're talking about.
ReplyDeleteAnd yet, god still answers Tim Tebow's prayers for a win. Interesting.
ReplyDelete"If you haven't any charity in your heart you have the worst kind of heart trouble" to cure it
ReplyDeleteHelp people, let's unite for one good cause, be a volunteer"save lives"!
"If you haven't any charity in your heart you have the worst kind of heart trouble" to cure it
Help people, let's unite for one good cause, be a volunteer"save lives"!
Alex B, God botherers? Why are you "bothered" by God? Most people at least know someone before deciding that they hate them so much. How many people have you never met, yet hate as much?