June 26, 2015


SCOTUS, Scotus porn, sexual immorality, unconstitutional, debunking atheists, Bible
Tell me, If there are 4 sheep and one goat, how many sheep are there, if I call the goat a sheep?

In the Bible the word "Porneia" in Greek, translates to "sexual immorality". You cannot legalize sexual immoral acts, and not suffer from it, as a nation.

Jude 1:7, Romans 1:26-28, 1 Corinthians 6:18, 1 Thessalonians 4:3-5, 1 Timothy 1:8-10, 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, Hebrews 13:4

The answer is 4, 4 sheep. You're not fooling any of us. Acts 5:29, Romans 12:2,1 Thessalonians 4:7

Sodom and SCOTUS, Scotus porn, sexual immorality, unconstitutional, debunking atheists, Bible
My comment on a post in FB: "Who hears the cases when SCOTUS is unconstitutional? Congress? Plenary power to define moral [or any] terms is not for SCOTUS. Good bye 10th amendment. We need to push for a Christian Theonomy, for any saving grace of this country. God's will be done. Am I the only one that reads the U.S. when reading Revelations 17?"

Just understand that this is an agenda that was pushed onto our society by people who organized after the introduction of a new medium of communication, the internet. A medium that owes it success to, and was ironically driven initially, by the porn industry.

Is there any wonder why we are in the state we're in?

This is a life and death situation, where God commands us to be fruitful and multiply. We are commanded to create life. In homosexual relationships there is no life, they cannot procreate without outside sources. They are producing death. Death within the non procreation of the relationship, and ultimately death for their rejection of what God commands.

"For the time will come when they will not tolerate sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, will multiply teachers for themselves because they have an itch to hear something new" ~2 Timothy 4:3 (HCSB)

"Look, I’m sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as serpents and as harmless as doves." ~Matthew 10:16 (HCSB)

In that same breath, the Bible describes people as goats or sheep, and nowhere in the Bible do goats turn into sheep. (Matthew 25:32) Christ died for, and we preach to, the rebellious sheep, as obedient Sheepdogs.

Just like goats, and wolves, the idolatrous deniers seek to devour everything. ‪Heed‬

Even If I don't believe in everything this man does, this speech speaks to what my sentiments are for this subject:

Speaking of the man above, here's an update from deep in the upside-down where they protest against what they pass...



  1. All those who wish to live in a religious theocracy are welcome to leave. I hear there are some over in the Middle East that, perhaps, they'll feel more comfortable in -- especially since same-sex marriage is outlawed there.

    1. Of course it would not be done by force, but by a bottom up approach. Reconstructionists, like myself, do not advocate a strong federal government, but we advocate self-government, with liberty. It would be about restitution.

    2. Of course, this will be done by Jesus Christ on His terms when He decrees it. It will only be a matter of time though. Beg for repentance U.S. that will lead to knowledge. Time is running out, and the dawning hour of Judgment is approaching us fast.

    3. Please, Dan, just a very rough estimate of how much time we have until Jesus returns.

    4. No clue. For fun, I would consider a Hillary win for the presidency "the sacred feminine" the possibility of someone bringing up Christ's return, as immanent, approaches 1. :)

    5. Oh, is that because the US is the new Israel? Why does everyone try to equate things that happen in the US to revelations? Nearly every other major power has had a female leader (whether that be a Prime Minister, Chancellor, or other).

    6. Also way to go not posting any scripture that actually condemns homosexuality. Oh that's right, because there isn't any. The notion that it is our duty to keep multiplying is highly flawed, we are already reaching peak overpopulation, and the last thing we need is more Jesus freaks. Thank you for creating a website that I can send my religious friends and family to debunk their claims.

    7. All anyone has to do, to read about God's position on being gay, is go to Romans 1 and read it. It is plainly spelled out.

      But there are a plethora of verses that talks about it. Here are some more:

      LEVITICUS 18:22 , LEVITICUS 20:13 , JUDGES 19:22-23, 1 KINGS 14:24, 1 KINGS 15:12, 1 KINGS 22:46, 2 KINGS 23:7 , 1 CORINTHIANS 6:9-10, 1 TIMOTHY 1:9-11, JUDE 1:7

  2. C'mon, Dan, no one is forcing you to marry a man, or even officiate at a gay wedding. It's no skin off your back.

    Besides, I'm betting that most Christians will be saying they were for this all along in fifty years, just like they did with interracial marriage.

    1. As 1 Corinthians 6:18 states, this is the one sin to the self, and the evil ones seek you to do just that, and watch you destroy yourself. The U.S. just made it much easier for Satan. Sad.

    2. I know the Bible is against homosexuality. But it's also against linsey-woolsey and working on the Sabbath.

    3. No, it is not. That is your misunderstanding of the Bible. Hebrews 4:9-10, Matthew 11:28 will point to the purpose of the Sabbath.

      But look, if our country strives to fight for the "right" to commit adultery, as an example, we would be fighting against that also. Our country passed that it's legal to murder babies. We battle our country that feels they need to pass laws allowing sinful behavior to be lawful. It's wrong, and we will not be immune from judgment as a country. We warn out of love.

  3. Hi Dan. My niece is getting married in October. To a woman. I'm gonna go to the wedding and get all gayed up. Looking for a plus one, you busy? Nudge, nudge, wink, wink.

    1. No, I would not make myself available. Do we owe gay couples getting married an apology? If so, [this is how] I would do it.

  4. I can't force you to apologize for being a bigoted asshole, Dan. But I do want to force you and everyone else to treat everyone else equally under the law. You can say whatever bigoted, assholish shit you like, you just can't make it the law of the land.

    1. Are you absolutely certain we can't? If so, how are you certain? Individual rights are not gay rights. We must discriminate when making laws. We discriminate against adults wanting to "be" children; We discriminate against people wanting to take their frustrations out by murdering people, or torture animals; We discriminate against the people that want to speed in school zones. There is right and wrong. Being on the wrong side of truth must be frustrating for you, but that doesn't mean we are to stop pushing proper and righteous laws. If we need to change the constitution to form a more perfect union, we will. All the while of your kicking and screaming that it's "unfair", when actually it's more fair. Applauding the people as their running off cliffs is the highest level of evil on this planet. Be ashamed.

    2. Murder and theft hurt other people, being gay hurts no one and is actually proven to be natural.

  5. For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ. And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light.
    II Corinthians 11:13-14

  6. Hi Dan, honest question.. Why do you believe my rights should be defined by your interpretation of a religious text? Would I get a pass if I define your rights by my interpretation of a religious text of my choosing? Do you see why we shouldn't use religious texts as base of our laws?

    1. Hi Felipe, it's not my interpretation, because Scripture interprets Scripture, so you're poisoning the well. Your points about "your views" are an irrelevant thesis from there. It's not many minds interpreting Scripture, it's God revealing Him though Scripture. Howard Huge difference.

    2. "If Scripture is the final authority, and if one proves the authority of Scripture on the basis of something else other than Scripture, then one proves that Scripture is not the final authority. In other words, to prove the authority of Scripture on something other than Scripture is to disprove Scripture" (Michael Butler, "A truly Reformed epistemology," in Penpoint Newsletter, Vol. 8, No. 5 [Southern California Center for Christian Studies, May 1997], p. 3).

    3. Of course is your interpretation.. are you going to deny that Christianity has way too many variants, and all of them call themselves the correct one? And I'm not even involving other religions.. so, which religious text should trump the others?

      That's precisely the reason why secular governments were born. All religions can't be right at the same time.. right?

  7. >>which religious text should trump the others?

    The true one, of course. Jesus Christ and His body He chooses.

    "yea, let God be true, but every man a liar" ~ Romans 3:4

    >>All religions can't be right at the same time.. right?


    As for false religions, false religions have a common denominator and that is there assault on the term "Justification." They are working toward their salvation. We are working as a result of our salvation.

    His works are what save us. In contrast, the religions of the world who deny justification seek to bring their "religious" efforts to God to "save" them. We have been made clean by the word. The false religions make themselves clean.

    1. Ok, so.. in your mind, your brand of religion is the true one, everyone else is wrong.. And that entitles you to promote legislation based on your interpretation of a given religious text.. Can't you realize that every other religious people thinks exactly the same? Their version of Christianity is the right one and they get to set the moral standard to create laws.. Can't you see the flaw?

      The only way any of this groups can succeed is either by simple numbers or by force, not by reason or "righteousness". That's why you have Sharia law in the middle east, or crazy christian fundamentalist laws in US (i.e. marriage laws, abortion).

      Your mindset is the problem, believing you hold the real and only truth undermines civilization.. that's how we end up with genocide, religious wars, persecution.. If you are not able to see that, then its impossible to have a conversation.

      I really hope you find enlightenment and accept the fact that thinking different is the very nature of humanity and not a flaw that you need to fix.

    2. >>I really hope you find enlightenment and accept the fact that thinking different is the very nature of humanity and not a flaw that you need to fix.

      Your mindset is the problem, believing you hold the real and only truth undermines civilization.. that's how we end up with genocide, religious wars, persecution.. If you are not able to see that, then its impossible to have a conversation.

      "Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest you be like him yourself. Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own eyes." ~Proverbs 26:4-5

    3. "When you come to religion, you come to a place, when you come to Christ, you come to a person." ~Ravi Zacharias

    4. Maybe it wasn't clear enough, so here it goes again.. I'm not claiming to hold the one and only truth, you are.
      I accept that life is a personal and individual experience, and being Christian or Muslin or Buddhist or even Atheist doesn't make you right or wrong..

      Can you say the same thing? It doesn't look that way.. but correct me if I'm wrong.

    5. [Then the Creator said]: “They know all … what shall we do with them now? Let their sight reach only to that which is near; let them see only a little of the face of the earth!… Are they not by nature simple creatures of our making? Must they also be gods ?” ~ Popol Vuh.

      See, I can also quote old holy texts.. anyone can do that, and it doesn't make any argument better.

    6. One of the tenets of holy is actually God. Sure, you can quote text, but God didn't reveal it is from Him.

    7. Dan, do you read the actual scrolls that were written by God himself? No, you do not, you read an amalgamation of many different texts, some of which have gone missing or were destroyed. Some texts which were deliberately changed by kings in order to fit their whims. In fact did you know that the Catholic Church sanctioned gay marriage in the early 100s AD? http://www.amazon.com/Same-Sex-Unions-Premodern-Europe-Boswell/dp/0679751645?tag=gizmodoamzn-20&ascsubtag=f1782ed9783d91990ac23830df17579cdffbca5a&rawdata=%5Bt%7Clink%5Bp%7C951140108%5Ba%7C0679751645%5Bau%7C5717795175536518860


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